The Company ensures equal employment opportunities in the selection process, without any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation, or personal and social conditions.
For employment access, the Company adopts transparent procedures that ensure compliance with the general principles and rules outlined in the Personnel Selection and Hiring Procedure. These criteria and methods are clearly communicated before each selection process.
In its recruitment, the Company guarantees:
- Adequate publicity of the selection process and procedures to ensure impartiality;
- Cost-effectiveness: the Company commits to keeping recruitment costs within market-aligned parameters for each required professional profile;
- Timeliness;
- Objective and transparent verification of required professional and attitudinal qualifications: the Company provides clear evidence of criteria and methods used in selecting resources;
- Equal opportunity for all employees;
- Organizational separation for candidate evaluation: the Company ensures that different individuals are responsible for the attitudinal and technical assessment of candidates. Evaluators must document and sign their evaluations to ensure traceability;
- Verification of the candidate's possession of professional qualifications and required selection criteria;
- Verification of documentation confirming proper completion of all prior phases at the time of hiring.
Open Positions and Selection Outcomes
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