Transparent Company


This section contains, as applicable to the Company, data, documents, and information based on:

Legislative Decree 33/2013 "Reorganization of the regulations on obligations of publicity, transparency, and dissemination of information by Public Administrations,” as amended by Legislative Decree 97/2016;

Guidelines for implementing regulations on anti-corruption and transparency by private-law companies and entities controlled and participated in by public administrations and public economic entities, approved by ANAC with Determination No. 8 of June 17, 2015;

Directives for implementing regulations on anti-corruption and transparency in companies controlled or participated in by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, issued by the Minister of Economy and Finance on August 25, 2015;

New guidelines for implementing anti-corruption and transparency regulations by private-law companies and entities controlled and participated in by public administrations and public economic entities, approved by ANAC with Determination No. 1134 of November 8, 2017.

Published personal data are "reusable" only under conditions provided by current legislation on the reuse of public data, in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and recorded, and in compliance with data protection laws.




<Section under implementation>